

Friday, January 11, 2008

avpo.exe, and autorun.inf (Virus name-Win32/PSW.Agent.NDP) in your computer

There is a trojan/virus (either the Win32/Pacex virus or the Win32/PSW.Agent.NDP trojan) that uses those two files. Here is how you can get rid of them:

1) Open up Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del)
2) If wscript.exe is running, end it.
3) If explorer.exe is running, end it.
4) Open up “File New Task (Run)” in the Task manager
5) Run cmd
6) Run the following command on all your drives by replacing c:\ with other drives in turn (note: if you have autorun.inf files that you think you need to backup, do so now):

del c:\autorun.* /f /a /s /q
7) Go to your Windows\System32 directory by typing cd c:\windows\system32
8) Type dir /a avp*.*
9) If you see any files names avp0.dll or avpo.exe or avp0.exe, use the following commands to delete each of them:
attrib -r -s -h avpo.exe
del avpo.exe
10) Use the Task Manager’s Run command to fire up regedit
11) Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run (as usual, take a backup of your registry before touching it!)
12) If there are any entries for avpo.exe, delete them.
13) Do a complete search of your registry for and delete any entries you find.
14) Restart your computer.

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